Monday, January 5, 2009


I've just seen a few springs in my life
but have traveled many roads.
And not ones that were beaten and rife
But treading the path and choosing my way.

Regrets and remorse… yes I've had a few, who doesn’t?
but I still walked my way strong
Taking every defeat in my stride
Still walking the path with all the plume and pride

I bit more than I could chew
Asked questions whose answers I always knew
I have nursed a broken heart
Embraced pain when I had to reluctantly depart

I have run into the strangest of by lanes
and yet managed to find my way
There were times when I screeched at the tiniest of doubt
And then actually fought it all out.

I've it laughed till I cried
I have shed copious tears till I managed to pull a smile,
I've strangely loved and lost
And lost and found the same love again

I have been there done that,
and landed up right there back again
Tried to run away from myself the most but in vain
And always ended up bumping into me…yes again!

Jumped the tallest mountain falling to the zilch
and yet climbed it back again.
The blows and scars say it all
Bearing witness to the journey I have had.

The curtains are yet to fall
The tree is yet to shed its leaves
The stream is yet to bury its head in the rivers’s lap
Until then..I have time to live my dreams…

Live it all My Way~~~~


jay said...
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Nautankey said...

Well written and very intriguing kinds...

aaaaahhhhhh! said...

Nice work!

Unknown said...

my way is a superb poem .
check out Rudyard Kipling .

Ann Dee said...

Reminded of my own heydays..

Keep it up!

Luscious Sealed Lips said...

THAT is life and THAT is exactly how it should be enjoyed.



SHINU S said...

Nice & Gud. . .

Movie.Critic said...

A journey of life and adventures faced sculpted in words.

Loved ur previous work and u surprised me with a better work this time!Keep writing

Anonymous said...

Neha.. I am a huge fan of your blog!
I wish I could express my thoughts through words as effectively as you do.
Keep writing!

Unknown said...

I agree, you live and learn..have a look here too..

jaggu said...

hey.. thats really well written ..keep writin,, Life is indeed strange

* મારી રચના * said...

very nice work.. keep writing...
God Bless U

Ajay Hosur said...

Nice work..
enjoyed reading it..

Sushant said...

I love this song..good to see its your inspiration too..


Aparna (Life Takes) said...

well written!

u r a gr8 poet
hope u get some of them published

Vikram said...


abhaymittal said...

o man..i liked the spirit!thats the way to go . so many ups and downs as one go through the lines. well done. congrats!
me too have a poetry blog--

Suyambuvel. M said...

Well written I must say....Good...Keep writing!! :)

Shekhar said...

I have been there done that,
and landed up right there back again
Tried to run away from myself the most but in vain
And always ended up bumping into me…yes again!

hey Nicely Written..


mk said...

nice poetry....simple and down to earth...quite motivational....
keep penning my friend!!

mk said...

well written..motivational..simple...good read...keep penning friend!!

satan' queen said...

I was pressed for time but needed a good break. That is when I stumbled on your blog once again. This is by far one of the best pieces of writing and definitely going to my favourite list!

Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed did string a few thought waves that might replenish my own rustic brain cells. Thanks much for this poem...