Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hey Soulmate…

Isn’t a lot already been written, said and read?

But my prose is yet to edify a path not tread.
My lyrics will unveil a tale unfold,
To reveal shades unseen and feelings untold.

Can you but conquer a language just by making a few words your own?
Or simply douse your hand to gauge the depth of the mighty ocean that the earths adorn…

Love is breathing life into gestured emotions that mere words fail to evince
Its Not bottling emotions within or giving the words a mince

Experiencing the joy of my Soulmate walking by
Even when the clock threats to run and minutes simply fly

Unearthing the latent virtues and those deep embryonic sighs.
Lifting our conjoined wings to reach enthralling highs.

Trying to Capture the tempest that jogs into a dervish whirl
Strings of my heart that I pull and hurl
Having found you my search ends but journey continues
A soulful lilt planted in my step as each moment renews…

~ Soulmate (Solemate)


Ashish Gourav said...

soul mate......this word has been haunting me for a while now.....does a so called soul mate exists??
albeit your post was a good piece of literature but it made me think of soul mate emotionally :(

Saif Farooqi said...

I really like the kind of words that you use in your writings. Its adds to the essence of what you're trying to express. Take care!

Vinayak said...

nice post
nice choosing of using words

Ankit said...

"My lyrics will unveil a tale unfold,
To reveal shades unseen and feelings untold."

Mind boggling lines....Superb..exquisite


PhilO♥ said...

Wow. Your creative :) Your blogs nice !! :D I agree with Saif! Take Care. Do check out my blog!

Anonymous said...

good poem...!!


Nice one buddy..
Nice choice of words..

BK said...

"Experiencing the joy of my Soulmate walking by
Even when the clock threats to run and minutes simply fly "

you are an awesome writer. :)
why dont you post at http://www.writeupcafe.com/ ?